Yes, we have all heard of the need to change from all quarters of life at different points in life. But how do we know what exactly needs to change in life? Of course, one can rely on the words of wisdom from the experienced and the elderly – because they always know what’s wrong with you and what change you need to bring in your life. However, their suggestions are sometimes solely based on what they see you do or based on the mistakes that you make in life. However, what they probably do not know and can only assume are the thoughts that run in your mind. How you perceive things and how you look at things is probably unique and exclusive. I say exclusive, because you own these thoughts though it may have been instigated by an external factor or a person for that matter.
At this point of time, I would like to talk about someone who works with me. Neil Jones is a lead gen at the company where I am working at right now. The company deals with database selling and recently ventured into Digital Marketing. Neil basically does lead generation for its database selling process. He has been lead gen for the past 3 years.
What I observed in Neil is that he is a dedicated employee who knows and understands the process he is handling. Apart from that, he is spiritual, smart, efficient and extremely cordial. However, he is not able to get enough leads or deals in recent times.
Neil often talks about the change that he needs to bring in his life. And this change is often, about how he has to concentrate and focus more on his work, how he needs to get better lead counts next month, how he needs to get a job that pays better, etc. And almost on a daily basis he talks about people or organization who offers expert motivational advice that he believes can bring in a change in his life. He often criticizes his own communication skills and ends talking about a book or a program that can help him improve his communication.
I am sure we have all met a Neil Jones or maybe, we are another Neil Jones who often talks about this much needed change in life. If there is a change that we believe we need to bring, for some reason, we are not able to bring this change in our lives.
This is when I started introspecting and several questions popped in my mind. Why is Neil only “talking” about this change? Why is he not able to make the change? Why does he have to depend on others to help him bring this change in life?
In a person’s life, I believe, change happens in basically two ways:
- By Self
- By External Factors
Change by Self
This happens basically when anyone starts doing things that they believe will bring in any kind of change in life. When I say “any kind of change”, I am basically referring to two kinds of change:
1. Negative Change
2. Positive Change
Negative Change
Negative change is when the actions that you do bring in a negative impact to your life even if you were aiming for a different result. An example of this would be Focusing more on your work to better yourself thereby resulting in it affecting your personal life, including your family.
Let’s take the case of Neil- He decided to focus more on work and since most of the customers are in US he decides to change his shift timings from Mid-shift to Night-shift. This negatively impacted his family life, health and ultimately his work as well. In this case change happened but resulted in a negative result though that’s not what he intended for. At the end, the change became a negative change.
Positive Change
Positive change is when the actions that you do bring in a positive impact in your life and thus achieving the result you aimed for. If you take Neil’s case, by changing the strategies he adopted in identifying prospects helped him get better leads. There was change and the change had a positive impact.
(To be Continued....)
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